Pioneer Park Coalition: Board Member Spotlight


With John Gurr joining us as a board member, we wanted to give him a proper introduction. John is an Associate Broker for InterNet Properties, and he has 50 years in the business. He spent 13 years in the family business and 37 years in commercial real estate. John especially enjoys the part of the industry that gives him the chance to work with owners, entrepreneurs and leaders in their fields.

InterNet Properties is a company that helps people and businesses achieve their goals by processing commercial real estate transactions. However, the company does more than day-to-day business. InterNet Properties participates in a number of charitable functions, showing its support for the community. In fact, John’s company is located just a few blocks from Pioneer Park. The organization owns property in the neighborhood and represents many property owners who are in the immediate area and nearby.

While historic and charming, the Pioneer Park and Rio Grande neighborhoods have the perception of being an area with a high level of crime. Problems that John and the organization deal with include the presence of trash and signs of people camping. Drug dealing is also an issue in the Pioneer Park and Rio Grande areas. These are just a few of the problems that John and the coalition are working hard to resolve.

John supported the Rio Grande Operation that took place in August 2017. He thought that it did a lot toward making positive changes in the area. Part of the operation included making plans for closing the Road Home, which has long been just a band-aid for the homeless situation. The operation has plans to assist other facilities for the homeless that are unable or unwilling to improve the conditions for those who must seek their aid. The city is building additional shelters, but a better resolution would be to create more affordable housing.   

Since John is a Salt Lake City native, he believes in being involved in the community. He likes promoting the city with all of its benefits and amenities. For John, being involved means helping the city and those who live in it anyway he can.

Along with believing that Salt Lake City is special and unique, John lives in the area. He’s on the corner of 400 West and 200 South. He loves the area and wants it to thrive. For John, a win-win situation would be Salt Lake City continuing to be a place that embraces diversity while maintaining its character.